I have google chrome on my computer at work as well as my personal computer at home. I VERY STUPIDLY signed into Google chrome here at work as well as at home, and not every single thing I do at home is broadcast on my work computer, even when I have signed out of google chrome at work all day. I feel like this is a HUUUUGE invasion of my privacy and I am genuinely bothered by this! I have tried to find a way to unlink my computers, but the instructions on deleting accounts on chrome are no help to me! Can someone PLEASE take me step by step on how to fix this? Google keeps saying "go to the sign in screen and SELECT the account you wish to delete" but I can't find anywhere that actually lists multiple accounts (I have created an extra account just for this purpose). I am freaked out and worried this may never be resolved, and if so there will be no such thing as privacy for me!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!