Hi I have the best site for you. I was writing in my personal blog and used many revenue sharing site for earning money in adsense. I could not make anything more than a whooping 5- 6 dollar only. Then I came to know a about a Question and answering site which will pay you 60% of the adsense revenue. I thought this will be a time waste like other site. but after posting 50 answers i noticed i was getting good amount of views and earned some penny. Then I posted more questions and answers. I started to earn money. At the beginning I concentrated to get best answer only but later i came to know that being active is the best thing to earn from that site.
So what should you do to earn from this site -
1) Be active every day.
2) Posts 20-30 answers everyday
3) You can also earn some money for asking question.
4) try to answer comprehensively. Do not post small answers. Use at least 150+ words.
5) Do not post referral links
6) Do not abuse
7) Very Important! Do not use copied answers from Wikipedia or other source. Answers should be original. ****
How much you will earn: At the beginning you have to answer 10 questions. Then you can integrate your adsense accoun if you have one. It usually takes 1-2 days to get active. If you don't have any adsense account then you can apply for a new one after posting answers. At the beginning it will be slightly difficult to earn big money. After posting 100+ answers I was earning 50 cents a day. After posting 400 answers I was earning 1 dollars a day on average. After posting 1000 posts now I am earning 3-4 dollars a day. Now I am earning 50+ dollars in a single month. the other big users are earning more than 200-300 dollars in a month.
If you don't believe then you can ask question about their earnings and you will find the truth.
So if you are interested please join now - http://tinyurl.com/fastadsensecash