My mom refuses to believe that i am right about something. I am trying to connect my youtube account to an adsense account, and I need her Gmail account. And she keeps arguing how she doesn't have a Gmail she has a (with like a talking to a 4 year old dumbass voice) HOTMAIL. I tried to explain to her that when you create a google account, you recieve everything with it. My mother simply repeats what she said before. "I don't have a GMAIL. I have a HOTMAIL." I keep trying to get her to listen to me, but she refuses. I was just going to let it go and walk away until she said "trust me I know about this. You don't always have to be right" That PISSED ME OFF. Whenever we tend to "argue" about anything I (in reality) am not ALLOWED to be right. She keeps making the SAME WRONG ARGUMENTS OVER AND OVER. I'm sick of it. I'm going to prove her wrong. Somebody tell me the GMAIL comes with GOOGLE. PLEASE. I already know it does but I need proof from other people. Although she would never admit to being wrong, she would simply choose her words to try to talk to me like I'm stupid, while she just begins to quiet down. I need a website, or something official by google. Please somebody help? just for once (also so my mom will just make the freakin account so I can make money for a new camera) I would like to be right. Most frustration will disappear. Thanks!