Barry Goldrick
2011-09-22 12:51:09 UTC
But I want to know what other people think. Do you like DuckDuckGo or is Google better?
Since we all know Google, let me tell yous about DDG in case you guys don't know:
1. Doesn't gather your information (the best feature of all)
2. Can watch Flash videos videos in the search results (if there is a way in Google I'm too lazy to find out)
3. Gives results for people, companies and items in this order usually, Wikipedia, Video (not always YouTube), Official site (with a banner on the side of the link), social links (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc...)
4. Has little to no ads (for the ads it has they are usually sensible and don't get in your way unlike Google AdSense)
5. Is better at setting one search result apart from the other (for example looking up ''Sore Throat'' gives one of two options for a music artist called Sore Throat or the disease)
6. Results for large websites like Wikipedia, Twitter and YouTube can be viewed in a Windowed type mode inside of the search results much more smoothly than that of Google)
If you guys have anymore to add to that list or if you want to tell me something about Google that can beat most of these advantages then by all means tell me and thanks