Add and share photos and videos
There are several ways to add photos and videos to your albums in Google+ and share them with the people who care about them. In Google+, you get unlimited photo and video uploads.
Create a new photo post from the stream or the Google bar
Click Share at the top of the stream or in the Google bar.
Click the camera icon in the share box.
Add photos to your post:
Add Photos allows you to upload photos directly from your computer. Photos uploaded here will be added automatically to your "Photos from posts" album.
Click Edit photos and hover your cursor over the photo to view rotation options , to edit using the Creative Kit , or to add captions.
Create an album - Drag and drop or Select photos from your computer. Hover your cursor over a photo to view rotation options , to edit using the Creative Kit , or to add captions. Change the album name, if you'd like. Click Create album.
Select Photos from your phone, choose photos to upload and click Add photos to post.
Add text, circles or people to share with, then click Share.
Upload and share from your Google+ Photos homepage or from the Photos tab on your Google profile
Click the Photos icon at the top of the page or go to the Photos section of your profile.
Click Upload new photos to open the upload window.
Create a new album or click add to an existing album.
Add photos to the album:
Drag and drop photos into the box.
Click Select photos from your computer.
Click From your phone. These photos have been uploaded from your phone to your private Instant Upload album.
Hover your cursor over a photo to view rotation options , to edit using the Creative Kit , or to add captions, then click Create album
To share your photos to the stream, add text, circles or people to share with, then click Share.
When you upload photos and videos and share them in Google+, you create a post.
The people you share the post with are given access to the album you shared. Share albums you have already created by clicking the Share album button when you open the album. Here are a few other ways to share your photos and videos:
Share photos from your phone
You can find and share photos you've uploaded with Instant Upload in the Photos from your phone section of your photos homepage. You can also share photos directly from your phone:
Share from your iPhone
Share from your Android phone
Share individual photos in the lightbox view
You'll see a Share button for individual photos when you open them in the lightbox view. When you share with this button, you create a post for the individual photo and give the people you share with access to just that photo.