2010-10-01 18:37:20 UTC
I have an adsense account because I was accepted into the YouTube partner program a year ago. I still haven't hit the threshold because I only have about 3,000 subscribers so I don't get clicks as often.
So right in the first week when I was accepted (August 2009), I stupidly clicked on like 2 ads to test if it was working and everything. It did and I earned money. I think one of them was counted as invalid though. I didn't use my computer but other ones that my family owns. Since then Google hasn't said anything. There have also been a few times where I have clicked an ad on accident. They worked, but I was later pissed off at myself. Then that same first week when my adsense was made, I had a friend click the same ad over and over about 100 times because he thought he was helping me over a misunderstanding. I freaked out and contacted Google about it, but they never got back. Then about 10 months ago my friend said he clicked on some ads to help me using different computers in his house. This freaked me out too because he was misunderstood. I didn't tell him to do it! He thought he was helping me when he was hurting me. I have talked about it to him though and he now understands.
All this was a long time ago and Google hasn't said anything since. Now here I am now at 90 bucks and going to hit the threshold very soon. I am afraid when I hit it, Google will check my clicks and get suspicious, then delete my account.
At this point, I don't care about the money at all. All I want is the YouTube partner features, like the banners and stuff, which I will lose if my adsense is deleted. I need those features to promote my website and stuff. If not, my website and album on iTunes might not get as much attention.
Because of my situation, I am thinking about taking all ads from my videos so I won't have to worry about hitting the threshold. Is this something you would do? Please give me an honest answer of what you think will happen and what I should do. Thank you.
Also if I do take off the ads from my videos, will Google possibly delete my account for not using ads.