Perhaps the easiest way to be could in a Local Search is having a free Google Places page, your company site ranking, places page reviews and citations on other business directories all effect the places page position, the top 7 results have A-G stick pin symbols on page 1 of the results. You must have a business address to get a places page. Having an address in so many ways helps your ranking for local search, you should proudly display your address on the business site, and always use the exactly same format wherever you show it. At one time you could just list every city you served, that may be judged as spam now. Again it's much easier to get ranking for local searches, when rte search engine knows your location as well as the searchers or they include your city in the search.
Gee finish your site!, those under construction, missing image pages and blank categories damage your ranking. Load time was a bit slow from the U.S. felt like 10 seconds or more, one study found a site with 45 sec load time got 5% 'bounce rate' people immediately exiting, 1/2 sec reduced the measured bounce to 5%, load times are a Google ranking factor (their internal design specs call for 1/2 sec load time on their properties)
Google has indexed 42 of your pages, learn some SEO techniques to gain ranking, conservative backlink acquisition is the bread and butter of SEO.
Identify a reference list of target keywords using the Google Tool
Incorporate them in articles, maybe simple DIY, change a light bulb articles, basic diagnostic guides, power conservation tutorials, etc. to increase your value to Google users. Check ranking of your list of words periodically.
Use either the free rankchecker for firefox or the rankcheker in the free evaluation version of SEO Powersuite to generate a search ranking report for the list of keywords, the latter has some other analysis functions.
Use to learn the keywords and prices other electrician services are using.