Everytime I gush to freinds and family about my Google homepage and all the stuff I can do with it they just smile politely. Personaly I think it's really groovy! You can customize a homepage with all kinds of neat stuff. Besides the regular things like calenders and maps I have spreadsheets and documents, NASA photo of the day, pacman, invasion, and frogger, crossword of the day, song lyric search, sticky notes, to do list, the current moon phase, the time in Tokyo, Honolulu and London, you can also get live feed from different places like aquariums, or a control tower at the airport, stock ticker, spanish to english & other languages, the list goes on and on of all the stuff you can add to your folders and its all free!. Am I the only person out here who thinks this is the best thing since Christmas? I can't believe no one else is enthused about it.