I wonder how google make so much money, even though they are giving almost all oh their service free of cost?
Is it everything from the Adwords and Adsense !!!?
Seventeen answers:
2007-07-06 23:10:30 UTC
search engine...its the best....
2016-03-15 03:45:54 UTC
Here are two annswers from other: SCAM This is based out of Phillipines. It posts FAKE blogs on how people made money posting stuff on google. They initally took out $2.87 from my account and I just found out they will take out $70 something monthly. Oh and of course the 800 number stays busy so there is no way to contact them.... google money master (complaint) Posted: 2009-05-27 by Randy Hardesty taking money out of my account with out senting me the product I had a 10 free trail for I was suppose to have a 10 day free trail with gooogle money master it said wait 2 to 3 days for shipping. I never received nothing and the next thing I know 69.90 dollars is taken out of my account. I want my money back or I'm going to the BBB and the Federal Trades Commission and report...
I Like Stories
2007-07-06 10:48:58 UTC
By selling advertising. They charge a pretty penny for it too.
When you search on google, for something like "wifi", on the right side of the results are sponsored links. It costs more to be near the top of the list than the bottom. In this example, Dell is at the top of the list, they probably pay something like $10K per month to be on the top of the list when someone searches for wifi, then they pay an additional amount for each time someone clicks through to their web site. Multiply that across all the potential search combinations and it = BIG$.
Research says, most people never click through to a 2nd results page, if you want your ad seen it's better to be on the 1st results page.
By the way, the search results are not weighted by $, they are weighted by the number of times someone searches for the subject and then which item they actually select from the list.
2007-07-06 10:53:45 UTC
Google AdWords. People pay for keywords so they can show a text link to their website.
Google AdSense. Webmasters put Google ads and search boxes on their own websites. Google shares the money with the webmasters.
Not mention a bunch of other products: http://www.google.com/intl/en/options/
2007-07-06 10:44:54 UTC
They make money in a lot of different ways, such as advertising and websites pay them to be the 1st one on the page when someone searches. They'res way more ways they make money but those are just the main ones.
2007-07-06 10:42:40 UTC
well it free for us but u see the web pages that always come out on top of the search always on the first page yeah well those people pay google lots of money to be on that front page. and also everytime you click on a link google gets money from the link too ....later
2007-07-06 10:49:10 UTC
alot of ads and they have stocks. companies will pay alot of money to have their logo in an ad on google, which millions of people will see each time they make a google search.
2007-07-06 10:42:33 UTC
From Advertisements
2007-07-06 10:45:03 UTC
Osmosis. ;)
No, just kidding. Mostly through advertisements. They also sell Google search appliances for in-house search needs to corporations and organizations.
2007-07-09 03:53:23 UTC
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